Unani Cure

When you know you are doing the right thing with love, each second of your time on earth, not hurting anyone and your aura inspires people to bring the best out of them; Then you know what it means to be a beautiful person, with a beautiful soul. It truly is a state of mind that only you can master. You can easily explore ideas with others. You can appreciate alternative points of view. You can find possibilities and alternatives and a person has a beautiful soul, typically they’re referring to someone with a kind, giving nature—someone confident, genuine, balanced, and understanding but we have to keep our selves more active with some activities, exercises, diet and therapeutic treatment for perfect and complete health with SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE with

Stone therapy is a specialist massage that uses smooth, flat, heated basalt stones that are positioned along your spine, in the palms of your hands, along your legs and between the toes. Typically, from river beds, basalt stones are used for massage as they have a rich iron content that retains heat.

6 benefits of stone massage
All massages generally fall under the alternative medicine umbrella. They’re becoming a popular complementary therapy for many conditions. Here are some advantages of getting a hot stone massage:
1. Helps relieve muscle tension and pain
2. Reduces stress and anxiety
3. Promotes sleep
4. May help relieve symptoms of autoimmune diseases
5. May help decrease cancer symptoms
6. May boost immunity
Anyone who is experiencing muscle tension and pain, insomnia, or stress may benefit from a stone massage. If you have a chronic condition that causes pain, discuss and take advice with our experienced and expect hukma HAKEEM MD MINHAJUDDIN KHAN & ATHER FATIMA to see if a stone massage is a good option for you and aware our hukma with your conditions if you are having certain issues before getting a massage:
• A bleeding disorder or take blood thinners
• Burns on your skin
• Open wounds
• A history of blood clots
• Had surgery in the last 6 weeks
• A fracture or severe osteoporosis
• A low platelet count (thrombocytopenia)
• Diabetes


Physiotherapy is a vital component of healthcare that focuses on improving mobility, managing pain, and enhancing overall physical function. Physiotherapists work autonomously, often as a member of a team with other health or social care professionals. Our primary goal is to restore and enhance movement and function, whether it’s related to injury, disability, or a health condition.
Physiotherapy (PT) helps to treat injuries, ailments or deformities by employing various methods such as massage, heat therapy, exercises, electrotherapy, patient education, and advice. PT, also known as physical therapy or kinesiology, helps to treat orthopaedic, neurological, and cardiopulmonary disease conditions.
If you have sustained any injury like a sprain, fracture, strains, or any other tissue injuries, then you need physiotherapy. Physiotherapy is especially important for athletes or people who do any sports related activities often. Athletes sustain injuries all the time, hence they often need physiotherapy for more guidance you can visit our hospital SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE and discuss advice with our expert hukma.


Nutrition and Dietetics, a subdiscipline of Medicine, is the science that focuses on everything related to food and its effect on our health and overall wellbeing. Nutritionists and dietitians aim to improve people’s health and help them make better dietary choices.
They play a crucial role in helping to improve the health of others at an individual and wider public health level. Dietitians use the most up-to-date research relating to food, health and disease which they translate into practical advice, enabling people to improve their health.
human nutrition and dietetics emphasize the effect of nutrients on people’s health and the role of diet in the prevention or treatment of chronic diseases. Our bodies derive energy from the foods and liquids we consume. The main nutrients our body uses for energy are carbohydrates, fats and protein. Carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads and starchy vegetables are the best for prolonged energy since they are digested at a slower rate. Water is necessary for transport of nutrients, and dehydration can cause a lack of energy. A deficiency in iron may cause fatigue, irritability and low energy. Food rich in iron includes seafood, poultry, peas and dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach. To better absorb iron from these foods, it is best to consume vitamin C at the same time. Think of including vitamin C rich foods like broccoli, kiwi, peppers, leafy greens and tomatoes in meals full of iron. Eating a nutritious diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein will help maintain a healthy body weight. Our immune system is our defence against disease, but poor nutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiencies worldwide. Maintaining your immune system requires an intake of proper vitamins and minerals. Eating a well-balanced diet, including fruits, vegetables and food low in fats, will help support a healthy immune system. Foods like tomatoes, berries, avocados, nuts and fish all contain certain vitamins and minerals that are good for the skin
There are many benefits to having a nutritious diet. Below are 10 reasons:
1. Good Nutrition Improves Well-Being
2. It’s Expensive to Be Unhealthy
3. Helps You Manage a Healthy Weight
4. Maintains Your Immune System
5. Delays the Effects of Aging
6. Gives You Energy
7. Reduces the Risk of Chronic Disease
8. Healthy Eating Positively Affects Your Mood
9. Increases Focus
10. Healthy Diets May Lengthen Your Life
for more guidance you can visit our hospital SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE and discuss advice with our expert hukma.


Unani classical literature Saman-e-Mufrat (obesity) is an ancient recognized disease. According to Unani philosophy it is a Balghami Marz (disease due to phlegm) mentioned under the heading of Farbahi, which means Motapa (obese). 7 basic components of Unani medicine for weight loss
• Arkan (Elements)
• Mizaj (Temperament)
• Akhlat (Humours)
• Aaza (Organs)
• Arwah (Spirits)
• Quwa (Faculties)
• Afaal (Functions)
All the causes mentioned here are responsible for excess production of phleghm (balgham) as well as they also disturb body metabolism. The most common causes of obesity are Su-e- Hazam (dyspepsia), Ifraat-e- naum (excessive sleep), Ifraat-e- sukoon (excessive rest) and Qillat-e- harkat-e- badani (sedentary bodily movement). Other causes are
1. Virasati and Khilqi Saman-e- Mufrat (Hereditary and Congenital)
2. Excessive use of fatty diet like meat, sweet dishes (Martoob Ghiza)
3. Excessive use of fatty oils (Martoob Roghaniyat)
4. Coldness of temperament (Baroodat-e- Mizaj)
5. lack of exercise (warzish ki kami)
6. Excessive eating (Kasrat-e- ghiza)
7. Excess of joy (Farhat)
8. Soft cloths and soft bedding for sleeping
9. Intake of excessive alcohol especially after meal
10.Turkish bath (Hammam) especially after meals etc.
for more guidance you can visit our hospital SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE and discuss advice with our expert hukma.


Treatment for hair fall often involves a holistic approach. Here are some common remedies and practices used at sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre:
Dietary adjustments: our Unani medicine emphasizes a balanced diet rich in nutrients like iron, proteins and vitamins essential for healthy hair growth.
Herbal remedies: Various herbs like Amla (Indian gooseberry), Brahmi, Bhringraj, Jatamansi and Reetha are used in oils or pastes to nourish the scalp and strengthen hair.
Massage therapy: Scalp massages with herbal oils or specific our Unani formulations improve blood circulation to the hair follicles, promoting hair growth.
Hijama (Cupping therapy): This therapy is used to improve blood circulation and remove toxins from the body, which might help in reducing hair fall.
Regulating lifestyle factors: Stress management, adequate sleep, and avoiding excessive use of chemical-based hair products are also emphasized.
Always consult a qualified hukma before starting any treatment, as they can provide personalized advice based on your specific condition and health history.


Glowing skin means different things to people. Many people use the term to refer to skin that looks healthy and “awake” rather than dry, dull, or unevenly textured. For some, healthy skin results in a natural sheen, or “glow.”
Hukma says that every morning it is important to slash your face with cold water in summers & with normal water in winter season making sure to get it to your eyes properly as it calms pitta dosha (heat) & refreshes your skin. Oil pulling is one of the most essential practices mentioned in Ayurveda for glowing skin.
for more guidance you can visit our hospital SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE and discuss advice with our expert hukma.


It was first made in the Bronze Age approximately 5000 years ago by the Harappans, the inhabitants of the Indus Valley. The fascinating thing is that it is the very same civilization that brought us the generous gift of alternative medicine system
Enhance gut health as it promotes and balances alkaline levels, reduces inflammation, and increases immunity. It contains trace elements of copper and tin that not only regulate hormones but also helps cure cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and skin disorders,” says our hukma.
1 Rheumatoid arthritis
2 Knee/heel/waist pain
3 Anxiety, stress, Insomnia, Fatigue
4 In Diabetes do not lose their foot sensitivity and prevent it
5 Controlled Blood pressure
6 Varicose veins
7 Improve eyesight help to relive eyestrain and tired eyes remove Dark circles undereye
8 Dark spots on face
9 Heels cracked feets
10 Reduce foot swelling
11 Improve blood circulation
12 Help to detoxify the internal organs
13 Improves digestion
14 Activate immune system
15 Active metabolism
16 Reduce the amount of bile in the body
17 Reduce excess body heat
18 Improve effects of migraine
19 Helps transport oxygen through the body
20 The problem of sleep deprivation can be controlled
21 Improve the condition of ligaments and muscles of the lower limbs calms the body. Good for restless leg syndrome
22 Restore and balance the bodies initiate energy
23 Gives good hearing capacity
for more guidance and details you can visit our hospital SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE and discuss advice with our expert hukma.