Unani Cure

Ilaj-bin-Tadbeer” is a concept in Unani medicine that translates to “treatment through regimen” or “non-invasive therapies.” It refers to a set of therapeutic interventions that primarily involve non-invasive or non-pharmacological approaches aimed at maintaining health, preventing illnesses and treating diseases using natural methods and lifestyle modifications.
Some key components of Ilaaj bit-Tadbeer in Unani medicine by SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE include:

Diet and Nutrition: 

Emphasizing a balanced diet that supports overall health and addresses specific health conditions. Dietary modifications are often used to maintain equilibrium within the body’s humors.


These therapies include various approaches such as HIJAMA, IRSALE ALAQ, NUTOOL, AABZAN, DALAK, FASD, PASHOYA, GARAM HAMAM, HUQNA, TILA, TAKMEED, HUMOOL, TADHEEN, ZIMMAD, INKEBAB. These methods are utilized to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, improve circulation, detoxify, and restore balance. By HAKEEM. MD MINHAJUDDIN KHAN & DR. ATHER FATIMA with their vast knowledge experience and their expertise practicing at their matab SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE

Lifestyle Modifications: 

Encouraging lifestyle adjustments including proper sleep, stress reduction techniques, physical activity, and maintaining a balanced routine for meals and activities to promote overall well-being.

Environmental Factors: 

Considering the impact of environmental factors on health and making recommendations to optimize surroundings for better health outcomes.

Herbal Remedies: 

Utilizing natural herbs and formulations to support the body’s healing mechanisms and address specific health concerns.
Ilaaj bit-Tadbeer focuses on personalized, holistic approaches tailored to individual health conditions, taking into account the uniqueness of each person’s body constitution (Mizaj) and the equilibrium of humours (Akhlat) within the body. It aims to maintain health and prevent diseases by encouraging a harmonious balance within the body and mind.
It’s important to consult with HAKEEM. MD. MINHAJUDDINKHAN & DR. ATHER FATIMA for guidance on Ilaaj bit-Tadbeer interventions as they require a thorough understanding of Unani principles and the specific needs of each individual to achieve optimal health outcomes.


Hijama, also known as cupping therapy, is a form of alternative medicine that involves creating suction on the skin using cups to promote healing. While cupping therapy has been practiced in various traditional medicine systems, including Unani medicine, it’s important to note that its specific use and techniques may vary among different cultures and medical traditions.
In Unani medicine, Hijama (cupping) is sometimes utilized as a therapeutic method believed to help with various conditions, including musculoskeletal pain, inflammation, certain skin conditions, and to potentially improve blood circulation.
During cupping therapy cups are placed on specific points of the body, often along meridians or areas identified by our hukma to address imbalances in the body’s humors. The cups create a suction effect, drawing stagnant blood and toxins from the body to the surface of the skin, theoretically promoting better blood flow and facilitating the body’s natural healing processes.
Hijama, has a history of use in Unani medicine and other traditional healing systems, it’s essential to consult with 0ur well qualified hukma at our hospital for a proper assessment and to ensure that the therapy is tailored to individual health needs and administered safely and effectively.


Irsale Alaq, known as leech therapy, is a traditional method utilized in Unani medicine as a form of bloodletting therapy. This therapeutic approach involves using medicinal leeches (Hirudo medicinalis) to extract blood from specific points on the body to address various health conditions.
Leech therapy in Unani medicine is based on the principle of balancing the humors and improving blood circulation. It is believed that by applying leeches to particular areas, they can draw out impure or stagnant blood, toxins, and humoral imbalances, thus promoting better blood flow and aiding the body’s natural healing processes.
Leech therapy is often used for conditions such as skin diseases, inflammatory conditions, musculoskeletal issues and to improve circulation in localized areas. The saliva of leeches contains substances with anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilator properties, which are believed to contribute to the therapeutic effects of the treatment.
While leech therapy has a historical background in Unani medicine and other traditional healing systems, it’s crucial to seek guidance from our experts for its proper application. They can determine the appropriate use of leech therapy, identify specific points for application and ensure the therapy is administered safely and effectively, tailored to individual health needs and conditions.

NUTOOL (Irrigation/pouring of medicinal water)

Nutool in Unani medicine refers to the therapeutic method of irrigating or pouring medicinal water over specific body parts for healing purposes. This practice is based on the principles of Unani medicine, aiming to restore the balance of humors in the body and promote health.
The concept of Nutool involves the application of medicated water, often infused with herbal extracts or certain medicinal substances, to targeted areas of the body. It is believed that this method helps in cleansing, soothing, and promoting healing in affected body parts.
Nutool therapy is applied by pouring or irrigating the medicated water onto specific body regions, which could include joints, skin lesions, wounds, or areas experiencing inflammation. The medicinal properties of the water, often enriched with herbal extracts or natural substances, are thought to penetrate the skin and exert therapeutic effects on the affected area.
This therapeutic technique in Unani medicine aims to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, cleanse wounds, and promote the healing of various ailments. The choice of medicated water and its specific application is tailored to individual health conditions and the targeted areas requiring treatment.
As with any traditional therapy, it’s important to seek guidance from a qualified Hukma of our hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment planning. They can provide appropriate recommendations for Nutool therapy, ensuring it aligns with the principles of Unani medicine and is administered safely and effectively based on individual health needs.

AABZAN (Sitz bath)

“Aabzan” in Unani medicine refers to sitz bath therapy, a form of hydrotherapy used for therapeutic purposes. This method involves immersing the pelvic and hip regions in warm or cold water for a specific duration.
Sitz bath therapy is utilized in Unani medicine to treat various conditions related to the pelvic region, including hemorrhoids, anal fissures, genital inflammations and certain gynaecological issues. It aims to alleviate discomfort, reduce inflammation, improve blood circulation, and promote healing in the affected area.
The process involves sitting in a shallow basin or tub filled with warm or cold water that covers the hips and buttocks. Depending on the specific condition being treated, the water temperature, and the duration of the sitz bath may vary. Warm water is often used to relax muscles and improve blood flow, while cold water may help reduce inflammation and discomfort.
Sitz bath therapy is believed to have a soothing effect on the affected area, providing relief from pain, itching, and inflammation. The warmth or coldness of the water is thought to improve circulation, relax muscles, and promote healing by increasing blood flow to the pelvic region.
As with any therapeutic intervention, it’s important to consult with a qualified hukma and for that you can trust SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE for proper guidance on the use of sitz bath therapy. They can recommend the appropriate temperature, duration, and frequency of sitz baths tailored to individual health conditions to ensure safe and effective treatment.


Dalak in Unani medicine refers to massage therapy, a method used for therapeutic purposes involving the manipulation of soft tissues in the body using various techniques.
Massage therapy in Unani medicine is based on the principles of improving blood circulation, balancing humours, relaxing muscles and promoting overall well-being. It involves the application of pressure, kneading, stroking, or manipulation of muscles, tendons and ligaments to alleviate tension, reduce pain and promote healing.
The practice of Dalak aims to stimulate blood flow, remove toxins, relieve muscle stiffness, and improve the functioning of the body’s vital organs. It is utilized for various health conditions, including musculoskeletal issues, joint pains, stress-related problems, and certain neurological or circulatory disorders.
Different massage techniques are employed in Unani medicine, each serving specific purposes and targeting particular areas of the body. The choice of oils or herbal preparations used during massage therapy might vary based on the individual’s health condition and the desired therapeutic effects.
Seeking guidance from a qualified hukma for massage therapy is important to ensure proper technique, appropriate pressure, and the use of suitable oils or herbal formulations tailored to individual health needs. They can recommend the specific type of massage, duration and frequency based on the health condition being addressed, to achieve optimal therapeutic benefits safely and effectively.


“Fasd” in Unani medicine refers to the therapeutic practice of venesection or bloodletting. It involves the deliberate withdrawal or removal of blood from specific veins or blood vessels for therapeutic purposes.
In Unani medicine, Fasd is performed with the belief that it helps in balancing the body’s humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile) improving circulation and eliminating excess or stagnant blood. This practice is based on the concept that certain health conditions or illnesses arise due to an imbalance in the humours and removing a specific amount of blood can restore equilibrium and promote healing.
Fasd is employed for various health conditions such as hypertension, certain inflammatory disorders, skin diseases and specific types of fever. The amount of blood withdrawn, the location of venesection and the frequency of the procedure are determined based on the individual’s health condition and the desired therapeutic effects.
It’s crucial to note that Fasd or venesection should only be performed by qualified practitioners in our hospital who is well trained in Unani medicine. This practice requires a thorough understanding of the patient’s health status, the appropriate amount of blood to be withdrawn and ensuring that the procedure is carried out safely, minimizing any potential risks or complications.
Consultation with a qualified hukma is essential to determine whether venesection is suitable for an individual’s health condition and to receive proper guidance on its application, ensuring that it aligns with Unani principles and is performed safely and effectively.


Pashoya in Unani medicine refers to foot massage or reflexology, a therapeutic practice that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet believed to correspond to various organs and systems of the body.
In Unani medicine, Pashoya or foot massage is based on the concept that certain areas on the feet are connected to specific organs, glands, or body parts. By stimulating these reflex points through massage or pressure it is believed to promote relaxation, improve circulation, alleviate stress and potentially benefit the corresponding organs or systems.
This practice is similar to reflexology in other traditional medicinal systems, where the foot is seen as a microcosm of the body and applying pressure to specific points is believed to have a systemic effect on the corresponding areas in the body.
Pashoya in Unani medicine is used as a complementary therapy for various health conditions, aiming to restore balance, promote overall well-being and provide relaxation. However, it’s essential to note that while reflexology and foot massage might provide relaxation and some therapeutic benefits, scientific evidence supporting its efficacy for specific medical conditions remains limited.
As with any therapeutic intervention, consulting with our well qualified Unani practitioner is recommended before undergoing Pashoya or reflexology. They can provide proper guidance on the technique, specific points to target and its potential benefits, ensuring safe and appropriate application tailored to individual health needs.


steam baths, known as “Hammam,” are used as a therapeutic technique for promoting health and well-being. The practice of steam baths involves exposing the body to steam or warm vapors in a controlled environment.
Hammam or steam baths in Unani medicine are believed to have several benefits, including:
Detoxification: Steam baths are thought to help in opening pores, facilitating sweating, and eliminating toxins from the body through the skin.
Relaxation and Stress Relief: The heat from the steam can help relax muscles, relieve tension, and promote a sense of relaxation, potentially reducing stress.
Improving Circulation: Steam baths are believed to improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels, potentially enhancing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues.
Skin Health: Steam baths may aid in cleansing the skin, opening pores and improving skin tone by removing impurities.
The practice of Hammam or steam baths is typically performed in designated areas specifically designed for this purpose. It involves sitting or lying in a steam room where steam or warm vapors are generated by pouring water over heated stones or through other mechanisms.
However, it’s important to note that while steam baths are considered beneficial in Unani medicine, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially for individuals with certain medical conditions like cardiovascular issues, hypertension, or skin conditions. consult with our a well qualified hukma before undergoing steam bath therapy to ensure its safety and appropriateness for your individual health condition.


Tila in Unani medicine typically refers to oils or oil-based formulations used for various therapeutic purposes. These oils can be derived from plant sources or combinations of herbs and substances, often prepared through specific extraction or processing methods.
In Unani medicine, different types of oils or Tila are used for massages (Dalak), external applications, or internal administration, depending on their intended therapeutic effects and the health condition being treated.


Mastagi Tila:

An oil made from the resin of Pistacia lentiscus (mastic tree), used for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, often applied externally for skin conditions.

Roghan-e-Zaitoon (Olive Oil): 

Olive oil is commonly used in Unani medicine for its moisturizing properties and believed benefits for skin health.

Roghan-e-Badam (Almond Oil):

Almond oil is used for massage purposes and is believed to be beneficial for skin and hair health.

Roghan-e-Kharateen (Castor Oil): 

Castor oil is utilized for its purgative effects and is sometimes used internally for certain digestive issues.

Roghan-e-Ghafis (Linseed Oil):

Linseed oil is used in Unani medicine for its emollient properties and is sometimes applied externally for skin conditions.
These oils or Tila are chosen and prescribed by our bestest expert and experienced hukma in their keen observation based on their properties, intended use and the individual’s health condition. They are believed to have specific therapeutic benefits aligned with Unani principles, such as balancing humors, improving circulation, alleviating inflammation, or supporting overall well-being.
As with our Unani medicine or treatment, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified hukma of our hospital for proper guidance, dosage and application of Tila formulations, ensuring they are used safely and effectively based on individual health needs and conditions.


Humool, in the context of Unani medicine, refers to temperament or the inherent quality of an individual’s body. Unani medicine, which has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy, believes that the human body comprises four humors: blood (dam), phlegm (balgham), yellow bile (ṣafrāʾ) and black bile (sauda). These humors are associated with different qualities and temperaments and an imbalance among them is believed to cause illness. The concept of humool is integral in understanding an individual’s constitution and health in Unani medicine.


Takmeed in Unani medicine refers to the practice of fomentation or applying heat to a specific area of the body. It’s a therapeutic technique used to alleviate pain, improve blood circulation, relax muscles and reduce inflammation in the affected area. Takmeed involves the application of heat through various methods like hot water bags, warm compresses, hot towels, or steam to the body part that requires treatment. It is believed to help in easing discomfort and promoting healing by enhancing blood flow and relaxing the tissues


Enema, known as “Dawali” or “Irrigation” in Arabic, is a therapeutic procedure used for cleansing the colon and treating various health conditions. It involves introducing liquid (such as herbal decoctions, oils, or other medicated solutions) into the rectum via the anus. Enemas aim to cleanse the lower bowel, remove accumulated toxins or waste materials, relieve constipation, and occasionally administer medicinal substances directly into the body for therapeutic purposes. This procedure is believed to balance the humors and promote overall health by eliminating toxins and restoring equilibrium within the body.


Tadeen refers to an oiling or anointing therapy. It involves the application of specific medicated oils or herbal preparations to the body, usually through massage or gentle rubbing on the skin. Tadheen is used therapeutically to nourish the skin, promote relaxation, improve blood circulation, and sometimes to alleviate certain muscular or joint-related discomforts. This practice is believed to balance the humors, maintain the health of the skin, and contribute to overall well-being in Unani medicine.


Zimmad refers to an embrocation or liniment, typically a topical preparation made by combining oils, herbal extracts, or medicinal substances. Zimmad is applied externally to the skin by rubbing or massaging onto the affected area. This preparation aims to provide relief from pain, inflammation, and discomfort in muscles, joints, or other body parts. The use of Zimmad in Unani medicine is intended to alleviate symptoms, improve blood circulation, and promote healing at the site of application.


Inkebab refers to steam inhalation, a therapeutic technique involving the inhalation of steam or vapors infused with medicinal herbs or essential oils. This practice is used to alleviate respiratory issues such as congestion, cough, sinusitis, or other upper respiratory tract infections. Inkebab helps to moisten and clear the airways, loosen mucus, and provide relief from symptoms by facilitating easier breathing. It’s believed to have a soothing effect on the respiratory system, aiding in the removal of toxins and promoting overall respiratory health in Unani medicine.