Unani Cure


Sinusitis is referred to as “Dama al-Kabid” or “Dama al-Kulli.” Sinusitis involves the inflammation of the sinuses, causing symptoms like facial pain or pressure, nasal congestion, headache and thick nasal discharge.
Sayeeda siraj Unani hospital and wellness centre’s treatment for sinusitis focuses on restoring the balance of humors in the body and alleviating the underlying causes. Our Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as black seed (Nigella sativa), ginger, turmeric, fenugreek, cinnamon, mint and many more . These herbs are believed to possess properties that can help reduce inflammation, clear congestion and provide relief from sinusitis symptoms.
In addition to herbal treatments, our hukma might recommend dietary modifications, such as consuming warm fluids, avoiding certain foods that might exacerbate inflammation and following a diet that supports the body’s immune system.
Nasal irrigation with saline solutions, steam inhalation and specific breathing exercises are also part of our therapies for managing sinusitis symptoms. Consulting with a qualified hukma from our hospital is crucial to receive personalized treatment tailored to individual health conditions and needs.


Tonsillitis is known as “Quroohat al-Halq.” Tonsillitis refers to the inflammation of the tonsils, often causing symptoms like sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever and swollen lymph nodes.
Unani treatment at sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre for tonsillitis involves restoring the body’s balance by addressing the underlying causes. Our herbal remedies are commonly used, employing natural ingredients such as honey, black seed (Nigella sativa), ginger, fenugreek, licorice,turmeric and many more These herbs are believed to possess anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and soothing properties that can help alleviate the symptoms of tonsillitis.Along with medicines our hukma might suggest dietary modifications, such as incorporating warm fluids, avoiding irritants, and following a balanced diet to support the body’s natural healing processes. Gargling with warm salt water or herbal decoctions, steam inhalation and specific Unani therapeutic techniques may also be recommended to alleviate discomfort and aid in the recovery from tonsillitis. Consulting a qualified Hukma at our hospital is advisable for personalized treatment based on individual health conditions.



Otalgia refers to ear pain or “Waja’ al-Udun.” It is understood as a symptom that could stem from various causes such as infections, inflammation or underlying conditions affecting the ears.
our Unani treatments for Otalgia involve addressing the root cause while aiming to rebalance the body’s humor in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as garlic, onion, olive oil, neem oil, and certain aromatic herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammator and soothing properties that may help alleviate ear pain and discomfort.
Moreover, our hukma may suggest lifestyle modifications, such as maintaining ear hygiene, avoiding exposure to loud noises or irritants and employing specific therapeutic measures like ear massage or herbal oils for ear canal application. It’s important to seek guidance from a qualified expert hukma from our hospital for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions..


Otorrhea, also known as “Fasad al-Udun,” refers to the abnormal discharge or drainage from the ear. It could be caused by various factors, including infections, injuries, or underlying health conditions affecting the ear.Sayeeda siraj Unani hospital & wellness centre approaches to managing otorrhea involve identifying the root cause and restoring the balance of humors in the body. Our Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as garlic, neem oil, onion juice, turmeric and certain aromatic herbs believed to possess antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that may help address infections and promote healing.Additionally, Unani practitioners may suggest lifestyle modifications, including maintaining ear hygiene, avoiding exposure to moisture or irritants, and employing specific therapeutic measures such as applying herbal oils or using herbal ear drops to address inflammation and discharge from the ear canal.It’s essential to consult a qualified hukma from our hospital for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan, as the approach may vary based on the underlying cause and individual health conditions’.


Epistaxis, also known as “Nakseer” or “Hemorrhoids al-Anafaseer,” refers to nosebleeds. Hukma considers nosebleeds to be caused by an imbalance in the body’s humors or due to various factors like dryness, heat, or underlying health conditions affecting the nasal passages.Treatment by Unani medicines in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre for epistaxis involves restoring the body’s balance while addressing the underlying causes. Our Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as rose petals, licorice, sesame oil, mint and certain cooling herbs believed to possess properties that may help soothe the nasal passages and reduce bleeding.Furthermore, our hukma might suggest lifestyle modifications, including maintaining nasal hygiene, avoiding irritants or dry air and employing specific therapeutic measures like nasal irrigation with saline solutions or applying herbal pastes to the nasal area to address inflammation and promote healing.It’s crucial to seek guidance from our qualified hukma for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions, as the approach may vary based on the underlying cause of epistaxis.


Sneezing is termed as “Hatqan,” considered a natural reflex of the body. However, when excessive or persistent, hukma might attribute it to an imbalance in the body’s humors or underlying factors.The treatment for sneezing in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre with Unani medicine focuses on restoring the body’s equilibrium. Our Herbal remedies are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as honey, ginger, black pepper, cloves and mint, believed to possess properties that can help alleviate sneezing by reducing irritation in the nasal passages and calming the body’s response.Additionally, our hukma may suggest lifestyle modifications, such as avoiding allergens or irritants, maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating specific breathing exercises to manage and reduce the frequency of sneezing episodes.
Consulting a qualified hukma from sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre is important for a proper assessment of the underlying causes and to receive personalized treatment tailored to individual health conditions and needs.


Stomatitis, referred to as “Waram al-Fam,” signifies the inflammation or soreness of the mucous membranes inside the mouth. It can manifest as redness, ulcers, pain, and difficulty in eating or swallowing.Treatment in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre by herbal medicines for stomatitis aims to rebalance the body’s humors while addressing the underlying causes. Our unani medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as honey, licorice, turmeric, neem and certain soothing herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties that may aid in reducing inflammation and promoting the healing of oral lesions.Moreover, our hukma at hospital might recommend dietary modifications, such as consuming soft or bland foods, maintaining oral hygiene, and avoiding irritants like spicy or acidic foods to support the body’s natural healing processes.
Rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions, applying herbal pastes and using certain Unani mouthwashes might also be suggested as part of the treatment regimen. Seeking guidance from a qualified hukma from our hospital is essential to receive personalized treatment based on individual health conditions and the severity of stomatitis.



Cracked or Chapped lips are termed as “Shaqa al-Shafah.” Cracked lips often occur due to various factors such as dryness, dehydration, exposure to harsh weather conditions, or underlying health issues.
Treatment with our Unani medicines for eracket lips involves addressing the underlying causes and restoring the balance of humors in the body. Our Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as beeswax, coconut oil, olive oil, honey, aloe vera and certain soothing herbs believed to possess moisturizing, healing, and emollient properties beneficial for repairing and soothing cracked lips at sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre.Additionally, our hukma might recommend lifestyle modifications, including staying hydrated by drinking an adequate amount of water, protecting lips from extreme weather conditions and avoiding licking or biting the lips, which can exacerbate dryness.
Topical applications of herbal ointments or balms, regular use of natural lip moisturizers and gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin may also be suggested as part of the treatment regimen. Consulting a experienced expert hukma of our hospital is advisable to receive personalized guidance and treatment based on individual health conditions and the severity of eracket lips.



Fissures or cracks on the tongue, known as “Shaqa al-Lisan,” are seen as an indication of underlying health issues or imbalances in the body’s humors. These fissures can cause discomfort, pain, or sensitivity in the affected areas of the tongue.
Treatment in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre with Unani medicines for fissures of the tongue involves addressing the underlying causes and rebalancing the body’s humors. Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as honey, aloe vera, turmeric, licorice and certain soothing herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties beneficial for managing tongue fissures.
Additionally, hukma of our hospital might recommend dietary modifications, such as consuming foods that are easy to chew and swallow, maintaining oral hygiene and avoiding irritants like spicy or acidic foods that could exacerbate discomfort.
Topical applications of herbal pastes, mouthwashes, or gels and gentle cleaning of the tongue might also be recommended as part of the treatment regimen. Seeking guidance from a qualified hukma of our hospital is important to receive a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions and the severity of tongue fissures.



Hoarseness of voice is termed as “Sual al-Sawt” or “Khasyat al-Sawt,” indicating a condition where the voice becomes harsh, raspy, or unclear. It can result from various factors such as vocal strain, inflammation, infections, or underlying health issues affecting the vocal cords.
Treatment in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre with herbal medicines for hoarseness of voice involves restoring the balance of humors in the body while addressing the underlying causes. Our medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as honey, ginger, black pepper, licorice, cloves and certain soothing herbs believed to possess properties that can help reduce inflammation, soothe the vocal cords and improve voice quality.
Moreover, our hukma might recommend lifestyle modifications, including vocal rest, avoiding irritants like smoking or exposure to dry air, staying hydrated and using steam inhalation or specific Unani vocal exercises to support vocal cord health and improve voice clarity.
Herbal teas, gargles with herbal decoction and warm drinks with honey and spices might also be suggested as part of the treatment regimen. Consulting a expert hukma in our hospital is crucial for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions and the severity of hoarseness of voice.