Unani Cure


Dental health is viewed as an integral part of overall well-being, focusing on maintaining oral hygiene, preventing dental issues and addressing dental problems using natural remedies and lifestyle modifications at sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre with our Herbal medicines emphasize the importance of oral hygiene practices such as regular brushing with herbal toothpaste or powders, using miswak (Salvadora persica) sticks for cleaning teeth and mouth rinsing with herbal decoctions or natural mouthwashes to maintain oral health.
For common dental issues like, Tooth Ache, LooseTeeth,Tartar,Gigivitis
Our Unani treatments often involve herbal remedies incorporating ingredients such as clove oil, neem, myrrh, alum, and other soothing herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties beneficial for oral health.
Moreover, our hukma might recommend dietary modifications, such as consuming foods that support dental health, avoiding excessive sugars and acidic foods that can contribute to dental problems, and promoting a balanced diet to support overall oral hygiene.
Regular dental check-ups, proper oral hygiene practices and seeking guidance from a qualified Unani practitioner for personalized advice and treatment can significantly contribute to maintaining good dental health in accordance with Unani principles.


Toothache, known as “Waja’ al-Asnan,” is understood as pain or discomfort in the teeth or gums. Unani treatments for toothache involve addressing the underlying causes and aiming to alleviate pain while restoring the balance of humors in the body.
Our herbal medicines play a significant role in Unani treatments for toothache, incorporating natural ingredients such as clove oil, neem, myrrh, alum, ginger, and other herbs believed to possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties beneficial for relieving toothache and managing dental issues at SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE.
Additionally, our hukma may recommend lifestyle modifications, such as maintaining oral hygiene through proper brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups. Avoiding excessively hot or cold foods, along with following a diet that supports dental health, may also be advised.
Topical applications of herbal pastes or oils directly to the affected tooth or gum area, herbal mouth rinses and our specific Unani therapeutic techniques might be suggested as part of the treatment regimen to alleviate toothache and promote dental health.
It’s important to consult a qualified and well experienced hukma from our hospital for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan based on individual health conditions and the severity of the toothache.


Loose teeth involve managing the underlying causes while aiming to strengthen the teeth and gums. Loose teeth, known as “Tasfiyat al-Asnan,” may occur due to various reasons such as gum disease, poor oral hygiene, nutritional deficiencies, or systemic health issues affecting dental health.
Our unani treatments at SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE for loose teeth often include herbal remedies incorporating natural ingredients believed to possess properties that strengthen gums and teeth. These remedies may include the use of herbs like miswak (Salvadora persica), neem, myrrh, clove oil, alum, and other herbs known for their potential to improve gum health and promote dental strength.
Furthermore, our hukma might recommend lifestyle modifications such as maintaining excellent oral hygiene practices, consuming a balanced diet rich in nutrients essential for dental health and avoiding habits that contribute to dental problems.
Topical applications of Our herbal pastes, mouth rinses with herbal decoctions and specific Unani therapeutic techniques might be suggested as part of the treatment regimen to help strengthen gums and teeth. Seeking guidance from a qualified expert hukma from our hospital is crucial to receive a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions and the severity of loose teeth.


Tartar on teeth, known as “Qur’ah,” refers to the hardened plaque buildup on teeth due to the accumulation of bacteria and food particles. Tartar can lead to gum disease, tooth decay and other dental issues if not addressed.
SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE approaches to managing tartar involve preventing its formation and addressing underlying factors contributing to its buildup. Herbal medicines play a significant role, utilizing natural ingredients such as neem, myrrh, alum, clove oil, and certain herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and cleansing properties beneficial for oral health.
Additionally, our hukma emphasize maintaining proper oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing and using herbal mouth rinses or decoctions to help prevent plaque formation and reduce tartar buildup.
Dietary adjustments focusing on a balanced diet that supports dental health, along with avoiding excessive sugars and acidic foods, might be recommended to help prevent tartar formation.
Regular dental check-ups and seeking guidance from our expert experienced and well qualified hukma for personalized advice and treatment can significantly contribute to preventing tartar buildup and maintaining good oral hygiene in line with Unani principles.


Oral Sepsis, known as “Waram al-Fam,” refers to a condition involving severe infection or inflammation within the oral cavity. It can manifest as abscesses, severe gum disease (periodontitis), or other oral infections causing systemic health issues.
Treatment in sayeeda siraj unani hospital and wellness centre with herbal medicines for oral sepsis involves addressing the underlying infection and restoring the balance of humors in the body. Herbal remedies play a crucial role, incorporating natural ingredients such as neem, turmeric, cloves, myrrh, honey, and certain antimicrobial herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties beneficial in managing oral infections.
Additionally, our hukma might recommend lifestyle modifications such as maintaining oral hygiene through proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. Dietary adjustments focusing on a balanced diet that supports the body’s immune system and avoids exacerbating oral infections may also be advised.
Oral rinses with herbal decoctions, topical applications of herbal pastes or powders, and specific Unani mouthwashes might be recommended to help combat infection and promote oral health. Seeking guidance from a qualified our expert and experience hukma is crucial to receive a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions and the severity of oral sepsis.


Gingivitis, known as “Waram al-Ų£alajat,” refers to the inflammation of the gums, typically caused by bacterial plaque buildup along the gumline. Gingivitis can result in red, swollen, or bleeding gums and if left untreated, may progress to more severe gum diseases.
Treatment with Unani medicine for gingivitis at SAYEEDA SIRAJ UNANI HOSPITAL AND WELLNESS CENTRE involves addressing the underlying causes and restoring the balance of humors in the body. Our Herbal medicines are commonly used, incorporating natural ingredients such as neem, myrrh, alum, clove oil, turmeric, and certain soothing herbs believed to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties beneficial for managing gingivitis and improving gum health.
Moreover, our hukma might recommend lifestyle modifications such as maintaining excellent oral hygiene through proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups. They may also advise dietary adjustments, including a balanced diet rich in nutrients that support gum health and avoid exacerbating inflammation.
Topical applications of our herbal pastes, mouth rinses with herbal decoctions and specific Unani therapeutic techniques might be suggested as part of the treatment regimen to help reduce inflammation, promote healing and improve gum health. Seeking guidance from well qualified hukma from our hospital is crucial for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan tailored to individual health conditions and the severity of gingivitis.